It is a web service created to facilitate the patient follow-up and information process.

Odunluk Mah., Besevler
Nilufer Bursa
For an appointment
Private Jimer Hospital: 4444567
Doruk Nilufer Hospital: 4440455
The colposcopy device is an examination tool that allows us to see suspicious areas where cervical biopsy samples will be taken by magnifying them with its lenses in case of abnormal cervical smear results (LSIL, HSIL, ASCUS, ASC-H, AGC) or HPV positivity (16 or 18). Although this procedure may cause anxiety in patients, it is a painless procedure except for the slight discomfort caused by the speculum tool that keeps the vaginal opening open. After the application of a liquid substance containing acetic acid that causes a very slight burning sensation, a cervix biopsy is performed by taking millimetric samples from suspicious areas. After the examination of the cervix biopsy samples by pathology specialist doctors, the follow-up or the next procedure, conization operation, is planned according to the reported pathology result.
(For more detailed information and videos, please see the "Articles" section.)